According to Greek legislation [Presidential Decree No. 55/1998 (Official Gazette A’ No. 58/1998)], an illicit ship pollution discharge can be detected with special sea pollution identification and detection equipment by airborne or navigable or land means. For that reason, in case of an illicit ship pollution discharge is identified by airborne means, pilots of Hellenic Coast Guard’ s aircraft and helicopters prepare a relative full report which constitutes evidence of the violation and is used, together with other piece of evidence, for imposing sanctions to the offenders.
Hellenic Coast Guard has a number of airplanes and helicopters, suitably equipped (SLAR, IR/UV Scanner, IR/Video Camera) for the detection of illicit pollution discharges from ships.
Moreover, in case an illicit ship pollution discharge is detected and identified by Air Force’s aircraft and helicopters, the Air Force’s pilots prepare a similar report, with equal evidentiary effect, which is also used for prosecuting the offenders.